

해외에서 구매하여 배송 되는 상품으로 현지 출고과정과 검수, 통관과정을 거치게 됩니다. 배송 기간은 평균 2주 정도가 소요되며, 현지 상황과 통관 상황에 따라 변동될 수 있습니다.


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관부가세는 관세 영역을 출입하는 물품에 대하여 법률이나 조약에 의해 징수하는 세금입니다.

총 과세 금액이 150달러 초과 시 관부가세가 부과되며, 150달러 이하일 경우 자가 사용이 인정되는 경우에는 관부가세가 면제됩니다.

※ 관부가세 계산 방식
과세가격 = [해외에서 지불한 전체금액 (물품+현지세금+현지운송비) x 관세청 고시환율] + 과세운임
관세 = 과세가격 x 구입한 품목의 관세율
부가세 = (과세가격+관세) x 0.1

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  • Kvadrat - Clouds
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Kvadrat - Clouds

Kvadrat브랜드 바로가기moreKvadrat - Clouds

약 10~14일
20,000원 조건별배송
옵션당 최소 1개
20,000원 / 주문시결제(선결제) 조건별배송
방문 수령지 : 서울특별시 강남구 도산대로45길 10-5 LS빌딩 3F (사무실)
할인 : 적립 적립금 :
장바구니 구매하기

상품 설명

Clouds is a colourful, innovative and individual interior design element for your home.
The internationally renowned designers Ronan and Erwan Bouroullec made an innovative concept for your house with Kvadrat: Clouds, an interlocking system made of textile modules. Clouds can be mounted at the wall or ceiling.
Clouds evolves an unusual, three-dimensional effect and develops itself with every element.
The inviting irregular surface encourages owning art works and realizes visions. Because Cloud’s attractiveness depends on personal appearance.
The modules are made of single elements and are connected with elastic bands. If it is about constructing a simple design or a complex, decorative room divider or separating wall - work is done really easy, fast and uncomplicated.
The modules can be connected in a simple way to an individual style and they bring new ideas in every home, being versatile every time.
It was the work on the North Tiles, also a corporate work with Kvadrat, which inspired the two French designer for the concept Clouds - a simpler version than North Tiles for the private use.
?When I look into a design- or architecture magazine every now and then, I"m getting a shock about all the cold rooms“, says Ronan Bouroullec.
He explains: “When we got the order of Kvadrat, we wanted to create a design solution, which was soft and inviting. And our goal was to find a solution, which was so simple and through, that it didn"t need any expensive craftsmen, but could be mounted by normal people without polishing, adjusted, or further treatments”.
Anders Byriel, Kvadrats manager, believes that soft fabrics come back in public houses and private households:
?Over years the tendency was to use less fabrics. Curtains are gone just like carpets, and our chairs have braided seats and backrests, and every accessory is made of glass, concrete, stone or wood, which might be nice, but hard as well. But the development changed. More and more human find out, that the soft material doesn"t just feel soft, it is also an aesthetic beauty and has a big effect on the acoustic in our rooms. In the last years it became clear, how important acoustic level is for our daily well-being“, explains Anders Byriel.
Each element of Clouds has two colours. Front- and backside are in one of both chosen colours.
More details:
? 1 Cloud has approx. 0.09 m2 ? 1 Box with 8 Clouds makes up an area of about 0.65 m2 ? Approx. 12-15 pcs. are needed for 1m2 ? Approx. 3 elastic bands are needed for 1 piece
Supplementary information:Homepage about Clouds by KvadratAssembly instructions for Kvadrat Clouds (PDF ca. 3 MB)
Do you have questions about the product? Contact us!

Details : For wall- and ceiling mounting. Mounting system separate available. While linings over 2,5m, special Mountinsclips neccessary. For strong linings 1 wall mounting-screw via m². Cleaning with vacuum cleaner or brush. careful washing in dishwasher
Material : fabric Kvadrat Tempo (100% Trevira / polyester), polyethylene (PE)
Color : orange

Kvadrat - Clouds, Tempo - Set of 8, orange/bro

Kvadrat - Clouds, Tempo - Set of 8, light blue

Kvadrat - Clouds, Tempo - Set of 8, lemon gree

Kvadrat - Clouds, Divina - Set of 8, nature/br

Kvadrat - Clouds, Divina - Set of 8, dark blue

Kvadrat - Clouds, Divina - Set of 8, black/whi

배송&교환반품 안내

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    ㆍ배송비에는 해외배송과 관련된 모든 비용 (배송비, 포장보완비, 검수비) 등이 포함되어 있습니다.  

    ㆍ해외 배송 상황 및 조건의 변동, 천재지변 등 불가피한 경우 청구되는 배송비가 변경될 수 있습니다.

    ㆍ도서, 산간, 오지 일부지역은 배송비가 추가될 수 있습니다. 

  • 배송기간 안내

    ㆍ해외 배송 상품은 평균 10~14일이 소요됩니다. (영업일 기준)

    ㆍ상세사항은 각 상품 설명의 배송 기간을 참고해주시기를 바랍니다.

    ㆍ상품 수급 및 통관 상황에 따라 배송 기간은 변동 될 수 있으며, 이 경우 별도의 연락을 드립니다.

      ※ 입금 완료일 기준이며, 연휴 및 공휴일은 제외하여 계산됩니다.

  • 취소/교환/반품 안내

     [기본 안내사항]

    ㆍ교환 및 반품 신청은 고객센터 또는 1:1문의를 이용해 주시기 바랍니다.

    ㆍ교환 및 반품 신청은 상품 수령일로부터 7일 이내에 가능합니다.

    ㆍ반품 시 제품 반환 후로부터 7일(영업일) 이내 처리를 해드립니다.

    ㆍ관련 법률에 따라 아래 조건에 해당되는 경우 교환/반품이 제한됩니다.

      ① 구성품 분실 및 취급 부주의로 인한 파손, 고장 등이 발생한 경우

      ② 구매자의 사용 또는 일부 소비에 의해 재화의 가치가 감소한 경우

      ③ 시간의 경과로 재판매가 곤란한 정도로 가치가 감소한 경우

      ④ 상품 패키지가 없거나 훼손되어 상품 가치가 현저히 상실된 경우


     [해외배송 상품 유의사항]

     1) 취소/변경

     ㆍ주문 취소/변경은 상품이 한국으로 배송시작 전까지 가능합니다.

     ㆍ상품준비 단계에서 취소/변경 시 현지제품 반송 요금이 부과됩니다.

     2) 교환

     ㆍ불량 제품 및 오배송일 경우 같은 상품으로 교환 받으실 수 있습니다.

     3) 반품

     ㆍ변심에 의한 반품 요청 시, 많은 시간과 비용이 발생합니다. 

     ㆍ변심으로 반품 요청 시, 배송완료일 포함 7일 이내 접수가 필요합니다.

     ㆍ반환에 필요한 모든 비용은 고객님이 부담하셔야 합니다.

        (반품료 = 관세+부가세+왕복국제배송료+국내반품배송료+반품수수료)

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    ※ 이 제품은 해외에서 배송되는 상품으로 네이버페이를 이용한 구매가 불가능한 제품입니다.

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Kvadrat - Clouds
  • Kvadrat - Clouds

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